Selasa, 17 Mei 2011


Abstract: Storytelling is a universal human needs, from children to adults. Storytelling is something which tells the story about the act or an event in an attempt to orally elicits the potential of language skills. In general, group B children in kindergarten PKK Bandulan Malang. Most of the shows the ability of language is less accomplished than the other basic skills, especially storytelling. It can be said in a low-telling ability (1) courage 50%, (2) accuracy of 25%, (3) 25% smoothness. Activity telling is an important and integral activity in early childhood education programs. To overcome this problem, apply the learning to tell by using self-made images in group B children in kindergarten PKK Bandulan Malang. This research aims: (1) describe the application of learning to tell by using self-made image, (2) describe the development of the ability to tell by using the images made their own. The design used in this research is a classroom action research (Classroom Action Research), which through cycles. The subjects of this research is that children in group B with the number of 22 children. The research instrument in the form of observation activities guide students to know the ability to tell stories. Analysis of research data that is used is descriptive quantitative.
Conclusion this research shows that increased ability to tell by using the images created its own in the first cycle mencapi score of 86.36% while in the second cycle to reach a score of 100%. In the second cycle, children become better understood, have courage, and prompt, fluent in storytelling. Suggestions presented include (1) Teachers should always be creative and innovative in helping to develop all the potential of children, (2) for the sake of smooth implementation and to tell by using the images created its own kindergarten teacher should be enthusiastic and always give motivation to the children and always lead in story telling; (3) not all boring story activities for children, but let's always used the activity. At the initial stage and at the end of the learning activities let us a little talk and children can mimic the back story for children can be trained to speak fluently, accurately and correctly.

Keywords: ability to tell stories, who created his own image, TK
            Education Kindergartens (TK) is one form of early childhood education that is on formal education, as embodied in government regulations number 27 in 1990. As an educational institution preschool, kindergarten main task is to prepare children by introducing a variety of knowledge, attitudes / behaviors, and skills so that children can continue the actual learning activities in elementary school.
Kindergarten is an educational institution who carry the primary responsibility membelajarkan language skills. Development of language skills should be a primary responsibility of kindergarten education institutions. So language should dibelajarkan especially early on when entering kindergarten education. The language used by children to behave and act as a human being in familiar surroundings. To make association with the environment, children will communicate. One child communication tool is to use language that is understandable. Without understanding the language in their environment, children will be disturbed in her social. To achieve the necessary language skills and keterampilann concrete efforts from parents at home or teachers at school.
            Language is a social construct. Children learn language from interacting with other people around them (Neuman & Rokso, 1997 in Seefeldt, 2005:324). With the language the child does not think only with his brain, but are also required to deliver and express thoughts in a language understandable to others. The expressions that mention how important the role of language to child development. Language also provides a major contribution in child development. By using the language, the child will grow and develop into an adult human who can get along in the middle of society (Ministry of Education, 2005:9).
            Language is the main communication tool for a child to express a variety of desires and needs. Children who have good language skills generally have the ability to express thoughts, feelings, and actions interactive with their environment. The development process is characterized by a variety of symptoms appear such as happy to ask and give information about something, speak for themselves with or without the use of tools such as dolls, toy cars, books or scribble on the wall and tell you something fantastic.
            There are two important things to consider in educating children in kindergarten, namely language development and nurturing, because they determine the success of future days later. Parenting carry the development of language is to provide stimulation sensorimotorik parenting, often telling stories and discussing with children Setra give encouragement to express themselves (Blue, 1991: 15). To develop language skills mempersiapan particularly telling for children entering elementary school, the learning should be designed as effectively as possible so that learning objectives can be achieved with good.

            The story is a universal human needs, from children to adults. For children, the story does not just benefit emotive but also help their growth in various aspects. Therefore, the need is believed that the story is an integral and essential activity in programs for early childhood education. According to M. Nur Mustakim (2005:20) tells the effort to develop the potential of the language skills of children through the hearing and then menuturkannya back in order to train the skills of children in conversation to express ideas in oral form.
             Learning to tell by using self-made image shown to increase the interest of the child against a to follow the learning. This is consistent with previous research which states that by using images made itself can increase the interest the students to tell stories. Children do not feel tired or bored, they look happy, interested and enthusiastic in participating in the learning. Student's interest in a subject will have an impact on learning outcomes obtained. Learning outcomes could include knowledge, attitude or behavior, emotions, language. Images that made the child is pre-shaped chart, and charts. In the first cycle most of the children draw in the form of pre-chart, but after the second cycle executed a picture perfect and the child begins to resemble a full chart.

            In the first cycle of researchers already plan learning by designing a set of daily activities well and already carry out all activities that exist in Unit Daily Activities. Activity game already performing well and smoothly, but when the discussion of the theme, children will not understand clearly about the activities to be implemented. In the ongoing activity, the teacher does not separate place among the children who have finished and unfinished story is child and a draw. Teachers only get kids to raise their hands for that already and standing near a seat for the story and accompanied by a teacher that makes learning not last a maximum.
            Researchers are on the second cycle of learning by designing a unit plan daily activities well and already carry out all activities that exist in Unit Daily Activities. Improvement of the existing shortcomings in the first cycle was carried out on the second cycle, namely the discussion of the theme by inviting children who have finished drawing sent to the front to tell the picture, children who have finished drawing and have not had a turn to the next story was told to listen to the garden that tells the story while wait his turn, while children who have not finished drawing on the seat to continue their duties until the completion and assisted teachers. It is expected that work will be completed properly because children are not crowded and does not interfere with children learning a friend so the results can be achieved optimally.
            The process of learning to tell by using images made itself went smoothly. At the first meeting of the cycle I have not the courage of children emerged. They are still confused with learning to be carried out, they also looked lively when learning takes place. Children are also not accurate and fluent in story telling and many need guidance from teachers. In the first cycle II meeting some children courage already looked just smooth and accuracy is still lacking. Then it can be concluded success story by using images created its own in the first cycle reaches a score of 86.36%. While on the second cycle first meeting following the child seems enthusiastic learning. They already understand the explanations of teachers and what they have to do because it is unfamiliar to follow the learning, walaupu n the average child gets three stars. While the second meeting on the second cycle of courage, fluency, accuracy in telling approaching maximum. Children can obtain a three-star and four-star and can be said on the second cycle of success children achieve a score of 100%.


            Based on research results that have been implemented, it can be drawn a conclusion is the ability to tell by using self-made images in group B children in kindergarten PKK Bandulan Malang reached 86.36% in cycle I. Increased ability to tell by using the images created its own in group B children in kindergarten PKK Bandulan Malang to reach 100% in cycle II. Increased ability to tell by using the images created its own in group B children in kindergarten PKK of Malang bollocks, there are still children who have not been able to obtain a minimum score of success in the first cycle, but after the second cycle executed all children are able to obtain a minimum score above the value of success. Value of success on the second cycle showed a perfect score of 100% so it is not necessary to implement the cycle III.

            Based on the findings in the study of this class action, can put forward some suggestions, especially Kindergarten Teacher Kindergarten PKK Bandulan Malang should always be creative and innovative in helping to develop all the potential children for the sake of smooth implementation and to tell by using the images created its own kindergarten teacher should be enthusiastic and always give motivation to the children and was always guided in the storytelling. Not all activities for the kids told me boring, but let us always get used to the activity. At the initial stage and at the end of the learning activities let us a little talk and children can mimic the back story for children of bias terlati speak fluent, accurate and true. Lots of efforts that help children develop all their intelligence so that a generation that is useful in the future.

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