Selasa, 17 Mei 2011


Abstract: Globalization and modernization can not be avoided, the product of modernization is the technological sophistication. All agencies, offices and government agencies and private, like it or not affected by modernization. Activities office, the agency to achieve the desired goals much better utilize modern technology in the form of hardware and software. However, it should be understood that the activities of institutions and agencies in achieving the goal is not only determined by technological sophistication, but there is another factor that is human resources. Talking about human resource issues in educational institutions, one of which is the Civil Learning. The civil work performance study will also determine the success will be the achievement of educational goals, even Pamong Learning (PB) is a very peting factor in the learning process at school. Because it is necessary that the existence of efforts to improve work performance Pamong Learning. There are factors that can affect work performance Pamong Learning, including the supervision performed by the principal, as stated by Sir James Robert Marks (1985) states that all Civil Learning requires supervision, and services. Stop Similarly Johnson (1967) menatakan that supervision becomes an important job for the principal. The successful achievement of the goals of education in schools is closely related to the role played by the school as educational supervision.

Key words: supervision, job performance

There are various concepts of supervision.Historically mulau first applied to the traditional concept of supervision, namely the work of inspection, monitoring and fault finding in the sense of finding fault with the aim to improve.Behavior of traditional supervision is called snooper vision, namely the task of spying to find fault. Concepts such as these cause educators to be scared and they work with are not good for fear of being blamed. Then developing the scientific supervision, are:
a. Systematic, meaning that is regular, planned and continuous
b. Objective in the sense data is obtained based on real observation is not based on personal interpretation.
c. Using recording devices that can provide information as feedback to mengdakan assessment of the learning process in class.
The more advanced hasli-results research-field of education has helped change the various approaches in educational supervision. Adam Dickey (1959) in his book Basic Principles of supervision states that supervision is a program that plans to improve teaching. This program essentially is a matter of learning and teaching improvement.
According to Kimball Wiles (1961) a supervisor who both have five basic skills namely:
a. Skills in human relations
b. Skills in group process
c. Skills in leadership
d. Skill in managing personnel
e. Skills in evaluation
Opinions Alfonso (1981) that supervision is the assistance provided to improve teaching and learning situation lebh good. While Hendyat Sutopo (1984) argues that supervision is an attempt to stimulate, coordinate, and guide the growth of the Civil-Civil Education Learning at school either individually or in groups, with tolerance and paedagogis measures are effective, so that they could stimulate and guide students so that better able to participate in a democratic society, while according to Alfonso RJ et all in Oliva (1984) teaching supervision is a behavior that was designed by agency officials that directly affect the behavior of the Civil Education (PB) in various ways to assist student learning and ways to achieve the objectives undertaken by the institution.
Many diagnostic opinion in general from above when associated with the implementation of supervision in the Studio Learning Activities, it can be formulated that supervision is the efforts undertaken by the supervision in this case the head of the LCS to provide assistance and services to educators in this case is whether the civil learning individual or group in an effort to improve teaching.
The purpose of Supervision
According to Piet A. Sahertian (2000) objective of supervision is to develop learning and teaching situation better. Effort towards the improvement of learning and teaching aimed at achieving the ultimate goal of education is child's personal correction to the fullest.
The situation of learning and teaching in schools now describe a very complex situation. Confusion that exists is the result of objective factors which hamper each other resulting in reduced learning outcomes. Because it is necessary to create situations that allow citizens to learn to learn well and can guide the creative atmosphere where they feel they grow in their learning environment.

Head LCS For Supervisor
Sergiovani (1983) explained that the principal not only as leaders, administrators and managers, but serves as supervisor. The headmaster was the first person responsible for the implementation of the education process at school. Duties and responsibilities of the head of the LCS if more work with humans in order to achieve LCS goals, then this task tend to be associated with supervision.
LCS Malang as an institution that carries out educational programs, is identical to the LCS, so automatic that acts as the head of the LCS is the LCS head.
Head of the LCS was the person most worthy to be given the responsibility in the field of supervision, because almost every day knowing that faced Civil problematic Learning (PB), then he can quickly together with the Civil Learning (PB) to solve these probematika. Another advantage, is no stranger to the head of the LCS in the LCS, but he dalah friend Pamong Learning (PB) alone, thus making Pamong Learning (PB) tend to not feel afraid to supervisor. The situation is prasarat supervisor for supervision in the LCS.

Understanding Job Performance
Work performance according to the Dharma (1985) is: something that is done or the products and services produced by a person or diebrikan employees can be viewed as work performance.With these results may be held at assessing the results of that and also will know how far the tasks assigned to him to finish. In addition to separating prestsi kerj penegrtian between individual and group performance.
According Siagian (1988), that "performance is everything in terms of behavior, and personality of someone who often shows itself in various forms of attitudes, ways of thinking, and acting". Various things affect a human personality in organizational behavior terecermin which in turn will affect the work performance boss / leader, who also acknowledged that many of the difficulties experienced in adequately handle. It is not always easy to assess the performance of a subordinate employee accurately, and anyway is difficult to convey the results of these assessments to the relevant subordinates without creating a sense of disappointment for those concerned.

Assessment Method
In general practice to assess or measure performance provided the form or scale that can help guide the assessors of the special characteristics of employees and job. It is trying to employees and their work. It is trying to overcome the tendency to generalize. Usually the director or the supervisor to choose procedures that will minimize conflicts with the person being assessed, giving relevant feedback to the person being assessed. Basically the boss trying to discover, develop, and implement employee performance evaluation program that can benefit employees, managers, and working groups and agencies.
Performance assessment procedures, there is no generally accepted method, which is considered suitable for every purpose agencies and organizations.

1. Graphic scale
Assessment procedures in the form of a format that contains a number of properties and performance characteristics that should be assessed. Rating scale (rating scales) are distinguished by:
1) to how far apart people who interpret the assessment that can tell whether the response is meant by the Assessor.
2) to what extent people who interpret the assessment that can tell whether the response is meant by the Assessor.
3) to what extent the level of dimensional accuracy is defined only for the appraisal results.

2. Rating
Leaders use the rank order procedure to evaluate all subordinates. Subordinates are ranked according to relative value for the company or work unit.

3. Check a list of weighted
Assessment based on weighted list of checks that consists of a number of statements that describe various kinds and levels of behavior for a particular job.

4. Descriptive Treatise
This assessment by requiring outlining the main points of strengths and weaknesses of the person being assessed.
According to Dharma 91,985) vahwa how pengukruan work performance involves three things:
a. Quantity, ie the amount that must be resolved.
Quantity measurement involves the calculation of output or outcome, the process of implementation of activities. This is related to the amount of output or results produced.
b. Quality; the quality produced. Measurement of quality of output or results reflect the level of satisfaction of how well the solution.
c. Timeliness, which is in accordance or not with the planned time. Measurement of punctuality is a type of quantitative measurement that determines the timeliness of completion of an activity.
From urian above can be deduced that a person is said to perform or not perform can be measured by the quantity, quality and timeliness in completing the work. Work performance can also be shown with creativity Pamong Learning (PB) tried to get the job done faster.

1. Supervision is the efforts to provide a stimulant, assistance, guidance to educators in the LCS, both individually and jointly with paedagogis action to improve teaching.
2. LCS head not only as leadaer, administrators and managers, but he was as a supervisor in the LCS, because the head of the LCS as the people who deal directly with the Civil Learning every day, and have a close emotional relationship, so the proximity to more quickly to provide aid to the Civil Learn if he has a problem in teaching, so that the process worked well in teaching and ultimately job performance Pamong Learning to increase.

Robert Alfonso, J., Firth Geral, R. 1981.Instructional Supervision: A Behavior System.Boston: Allyn and Bacon, Inc..

Dharma, A. 1985. Job Performance Management, A Practical Guide For The Supervisor To Improve Job Performance. Jakarta: CV Rajawali.

Sergiovani, T.J., and Carverr F. D. 1980. The New School Execuitve; A Theory of Administration. New York: Harper and Row Publishers.

Sahertian, Peat. A. 2000. Basic Concepts and Techniques of Education Supervision. Surabaya: Bina Space.

Siagian, S. P. 1988. Organizational Behavior Leadership and Administration. Jakarta: CV Haji Mas Agung.

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