Selasa, 17 Mei 2011


Abstraks: Learn how to Students Active or commonly known as the CBSA is a way of learning, where students have ample opportunity to be creative, participate actively according to the interests and abilities. So the purpose of the study can be done with great passion and in a fun atmosphere. In the process of teaching and learning using these CBSA approach, students intellectually engaged emotionally. From the degree to learner involvement in teaching and learning that will simultaneously determine the quality of the knowledge, skills and attitudes.

Keywords: CBSA, Student Results

In the whole process of education in schools, teaching and learning process is a core activity.Because through the learning process will be achieved educational goals, in the form of behavioral changes in children's self-evidence test.
Learning to become the hope of all parties for each student to achieve learning outcomes that best match the capabilities of each. In fact not all students can achieve the expected learning outcomes, this is caused by various factors, both factors that exist within him as well as factors outside himself. However, essentially every student can be helped, either individually or in groups to improve learning outcomes achieved in accordance with their respective capabilities.
Therefore, the educator must be able to portray himself as a good planner, executor of good, giving clarity, motivator and so forth. In the teaching-learning process that uses an authoritarian teaching pattern (ekspositorik) must be modified by the learning process with the CBSA approach, in which place student teachers' involvement in teaching and learning activities.Thus voluntary, happy, and full of interest. Thus is born a human learning process so that gave birth to self-actualization in learning, where students will not be saturated to the lessons and teachers, and students' needs will be met.
Therefore, if the CBSA approach was developed in a learning process, it can be ascertained that the results of learning can remember anyway.

Educational activities is essentially an activity which is conducted simultaneously with the human.This means that since humans were born is even still in the womb review existing education efforts in an effort to provide the ability of subjects to hidups ecara independently in the community.
Thus at the present time where being actively promoted an approach-very jealous Teaching and Learning in order to improve student learning outcomes, then the emergence of CBSA approach, which now began to widely applied in Teaching and Learning should be followed. With regard to these two problems arose: "Is the CBSA approach can improve learning outcomes - students?". To answer this problem, the author will explore in the following discussion,


1. Essence CBSA
In the form of teaching and learning activities have intellectual involvement educates emotional subject which is the essence of CBSA. The process of intellectual engagement emotional subjects students in teaching and learning activities: possible occurrence:
a. The process of cognitive assimilation and accommodation in achieving goals.
b. The act and direct experience of the umpa behind in skill formation.
c. Appreciation and the internalization of values
​​in the framework of the formation of attitudes and values ​​(Koesmiati, 1986:31).
It should be explained that the level of involvement of students in subjects in the learning process that will simultaneously determine the quality and quantity of knowledge, skills and attitudes.
In the field of cognitive be apparent once how the quality and quantity of knowledge acquired as a result of the child's learning process ayang efficient and effective as well as knowledge of children will become widespread.
We recommend that if the lack of emotional involvement in students 'intellectual, the quantity and quality of students' knowledge and insight will be reduced.
Similarly, the effectiveness of psychomotor / skill, the quantity and quality depending on the level of student involvement subjects.
Because the CBSA is a way of learning where students have ample opportunity to be creative and participate actively according to interests and abilities. So the achievement of learning objectives carried out with passion and humane.
The CBSA is not only the essence of involvement at the level of intellectual involvement educates emotional subject, but also lies in the person of the child, because of the potential possibility of causing the subject of an active learner and a dynamic that allows the subjects students have the ability to grow and develop.
So, teachers should have the professional capability to analyze system which is then able to design intruksional intruksional system effective and efficient, which in turn is able mengoperasikanproses fun teaching and learning, so as to stimulate children to learn.
Which take precedence of the CBSA is the essence of student learning activities in every school activity.
With the involvement of cognitive processes of assimilation and accommodation will then eventually the formation of knowledge or knowledge as well as the direct process performance, then eventually the formation of skills or skill. Similarly, the process of appreciation and the internalization of values
​​will eventually be the formation of values ​​and attitudes or values ​​and Attitudes (Koesmiyati, 1991:24).
Thus, students are given the widest opportunity to absorb the information into the structure of cognitive or cognitive assimilation or adjust the structure or adapt the cognitive structures or accommodation with new information obtained so that the achieved significance levels are as high.
Similarly, students are expected to live their own events to the formation of attitudes and internalization of values
​​and do something directly in embentukan skills in order to establish direct action with the theoretical assessment.
Thus it can be concluded that the CBSA is not just essentially lies in the intellectual level of emotional involvement in teaching and learning tetpai also primarily located in the children themselves who have the potential and possibilities that cause the students were always active and dynamic.
In terms of the CBSA is not only a teacher in teaching and learning strategies but also the targets to be achieved by teachers who carry out teaching and learning.

2. CBSA Learning Implementation in Non-Formal Education Program (PNF)
Learning in the PNF program organized through group-learning study groups (Catch), this condition has the potential to apply the concept in greater CBSA maximum, because the catch can be more easily formed small groups for discussions. Not all the speakers in small group discussions that always can be said, but it is a small group discussion here is an orderly process that involves a group of inividu in a face-to-face interaction in a cooperative for the purpose of sharing information, make decisions and solve problems. From the understanding that the small group discussions have 4 (four) characteristics, namely:
a. involving a group of individuals
b. involve participants in an informal face to face interaction
c. has a goal and work together
d. follow the boss.
The use of small group discussions in class is very useful to provide educational experience for students involved. Potential influences participation are many, among others, which inform each other, can mengkesplorasi ideas, enhance the new understanding to things that are useful, can help assess and solve problems, encourage the development of thinking and communicating effectively, increase student involvement in planning, decision decisions, improve co-operation group, there is harmony students to participate effectively in groups to their next-day skills in society and in social activities. And points to consider teachers in small group discussions to be effective and efficient method is the teacher must often perform their function as tutors.Teachers as mentors should observe the following:
- Discussions should be conducted in an open vote in the sense of free, yan climate atmosphere marked by interpersonal warmth, willingness to accept the opinions of others, value the opinions of people, enthusiastic about the topic of discussion, have the opportunity to participate and enjoy the discussion.
- It is necessary to plan in advance where the plan includes the choice of topic or issue or issues to be discussed and in which to consider the interests of students, student ability and meaningful and can also ensure that teachers and students already have background information to discuss the topic in both at the beginning of discussions, the group can determine what can be expected from the discussion and can break down the topic into sub-topics to be researched before. Small group discussions should be well prepared, necessary resource, necessary questions, the key and the right material to guide and stimulate the students' responses. In preparing the discussion is set before the group. In this case there is no provision for sure how much the members of the group. Everything can be influenced by the experience, maturity and skills of members, the intensity of interest in the discussion topics and background knowledge, level of group harmony, understanding and skills of teachers in leading small group discussions. While the seating arrangement to increase attention and participation, students are clear, concise on things that are important to the formulation yan or owned by students or draw conclusions and inform the next topic of discussion or mention the follow-up for group work and teachers involved in the evaluators results or small group discussion process. While the implementation of discussion for the achievement of business goals are reached need to avoid things that could possibly lead to another obstacle in the discussions between it: it held a discussion among others: holding discussions with topics that are not in accordance with the interests and background knowledge of Siwa, dominate the discussion through questions too much and provide too many answers, allowing students to monopolize the discussion, failed to discuss because of the low contributions of members, let the discussion stray far because the preliminary information that has been relevant, accelerate discussions with the teachers go talk quietly, so as not to give time to think and formulate their responses, ignoring the students to classify, to improve, expand and support for donation ideas through questions to track and failed to end a productive discussion with a good summary and closing them efficiently.

Communication in many directions with the learning process is very useful especially in improving opportunities for teachers to obtain feedback in order to assess the effectiveness of teaching.
Finally, in terms of quality needs to get an adequate education, and professional staff, the CBSA approach strategies deserve priority in order to improve student learning outcomes.


Mohammed, Jasin. 1980. CBSA As A Teaching Strategy. Surabaya.

Koesmiyati. 1991. Teaching and Learning Strategies PMP. IKIP Surabaya: Surabaya.

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